Most of my blog readers (I think) are friends and family members.
However, there is a chance that people I don't know personally read about our adventures.
So, I'll post the emails I've been sending out to update everyone about our situation.
Sent Thursday:
Hello family and friends.
First off, thanks to all of you that have been praying for us today.
For those of you that haven't heard, the short version is that Fox slipped on the playground, fell on the equipment and broke his right femur. He's in a cast, chest to ankles, for 4-6 weeks.

10:30 this morning, Sandra and I had her 3 kids, 2 of Carey's, and Fox at Tom Brown Park today. It was still slightly wet from the morning dew, and Fox took off running to the playground.
Before I could even see where he went, I heard him screaming. He was very upset, but I thought he just bumped his knees again.
I took his pants off to change him into shorts, and I couldn't straighten his leg without him screaming.
Sandra and I swapped vehicles and I took him (per the pediatrician's orders) to Radiology Associates to get his leg x-rayed.
At this point, I thought his knee was popped out or something like that.
After the x-ray, they did a quick read of the films and called the ER to tell them we were on the way.
I held him in the back seat while Vance carefully drove us to TMH. He was taken back pretty quickly, where the docs called the Orthopedist.
We weren't sure if he'd need surgery, so he couldn't have any food or drink, and he was still in considerable pain.
Finally the Ortho doc came and said that he could set it without surgery, but he would be in a Spica cast for 4-6 weeks.
The nurse came in with a shot of morphine (for Fox, I had to wing it!) and he was not at all pleased about that.
After a short time, they came in with all of the preparations to immobilize a very active 2 year old boy.
He's in a cast from his chest to his ankles with a bar between his legs. There's a cut-out so we can change diapers.
He was so brave, and has really handled this well.
We've rented a special car seat, and I'm going to look into a special stroller so we can get around a little easier.
For now, he's sleeping, thanks to Tylenol with Codeine and Motrin.
He's got a place set up on the couch, and thanks to the Conrads, a comfy bean bag to help him sit up.
We've got his train set on the coffee table, coloring books, and lots of videos lined up to watch.

Will you please pray that we are able to manage his pain over the next few days?
And that we will be able to keep him comfortable and entertained over the next 4-6 weeks?
Thank you so much, we really appreciate all the prayers and support!
Michelle, Vance, and Fox
Sent Friday:
Well, last night was quite similar to life with a newborn.
Up every 4 hours giving medicine instead of nursing, but the interrupted sleep was eerily familiar!
He's starting to get frustrated that he can't move much, but we try to let him do as much as possible, like turning on the lights when we leave a room, etc.
Last night shortly after putting him in bed, he was crying and really upset.
When I asked him what was wrong, he said he had a big boo-boo on his leg.
So I thought for a minute and asked him if he needed a band-aid.
Since a boo-boo to a 2 year old means a band-aid, I figured it might help. It did, and he went back to sleep.

He's trying to figure out the cast thing. He pats his legs and asks for kisses on his boo-boo.
At one point, he said he needed to poop, so we thought we'd try to get him on the potty.
It went pretty well, and I think we'll continue trying to let him use the potty as much as possible since it is so much easier than trying to keep his bottom dry in the crazy diapering method we are using right now.
We took him for a walk in our neighbor's wagon this afternoon and again this evening. I think he likes being outside and moving around a little more.
We're going to try and make it to church for a little while Sunday, not sure how long he'll want to stay.

We're looking forward to seeing the Ortho doc next week and figuring out how he's healing.
I'm not sure what comes after the 4-6 weeks in this cast. Maybe another, smaller cast, physical therapy, who knows.
We've enjoyed the visitors, but if you are here in Tallahassee, don't feel like you have to come over right away.
We will be home for quite awhile, so just give me a call if you'd like to come by and play trains with Fox or go for a walk with us.
Anyway, time for bed. I'll be back up in a few hours for another dose of Tylenol with Codeine!
Thanks again for your continued prayers. We really appreciate them!
Oh my! Makes my toddler challenges pale in comparison. May God grant you GREAT grace!
I'm visited from the spica cast blog and wanted to offer my empathy! Our son was in his cast nearly at the same time as yours (he broke his femur October 1.) God bless!
my son broke his femur 2 weeks ago. we are going nuts here because we think he has a stomach bug- major #2 all over the cast. what to do?
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