I'm no longer a member of the Tallahassee Irish Step Dancers.
While that may not sound like a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it is to me.
I was there for the very first meeting, in September of 1999. I took a few months off in college, and 6 months off during my pregnancy and after having Fox.
There are many reasons that went into this huge decision.
But the biggest one is that my priorities have changed.
I love dancing. That hasn't changed.
But I realized that with the short time I have to mold my son into a godly man, and increasing demands for more rehearsal, that something had to give.
My priority has to be being the best mom and wife I can be.
Not being with my family for 2-5 hours each Sunday afternoon was not accomplishing that.
I would come home exhausted, more often than not injured and sometimes frustrated.
This afternoon I took Fox into the studio with me and shared my decision with the group.
I will miss these people that have been a part of my life for so many years.
This is a picture of our group in 2001. The little girl that I was dancing with is now a junior in high school. Her name is Kate, and she's an amazing dancer, and a beautiful person.

After leaving the studio, Vance asked me if I wanted to go get some ice cream. Ice Cream? I just cut out my main source of exercise, and the man wants to take me for ice cream. ; )
Vance has been so supportive through this process. He never told me to quit, but he helped me look at my reasons for staying vs. going. There was a lot of praying out of the both of us.
We went over to our friends Barb and Rick Theobald's house. (Aunt Barb and Uncle Rick to Fox). I just wanted to sit on their beautiful deck and look out onto the water and thank the Lord for my many blessings.
We played on the deck, I petted Tum-Tum the Wonder Cat, Fox hung out with Barb and Rick while Vance and I took the canoe on the lake, and we enjoyed a meal together. We enjoyed the meal in spite of the fact that I caught the stove on fire. Seriously. Flames, smoke detector blaring, the whole shebang.
So, that will explain my bit of melancholy. I'm mourning the girl that was the Irish Dancer. It's okay though. That was a season, and there will be many other seasons to look forward to.