Fox's first LAN party!

So tonight Vance is in the office, watching online videos of churches similar to ours and how they do worship. I came in and watched a church for a little bit...they got to the announcements and this guy bounds onto the stage. It was my youth pastor from high school. I just sent him an email to say hi! Small world, that interweb.
We have a walking Fox now. He's been taking a few tentative steps here and there for a few weeks. Thursday he decided it was time to get on the walking train. I haven't taken a good picture of it yet. I'll work on that!
But, I have lots of other good pictures to (finally) share!
He's teething again...he's got 8 teeth now, and the drool is

We've been having lots of fun outside...I bought a bike trailer at a consignment sale, and Fox and Ethan have been loving it!

Fox is really getting into reading his books...

Sandra and Carey and I are doing a little co-op so we can all work a bit. Fox loves having the big boys over, but sometimes has a hard time understanding that ALL sippy cups in the world are not his! I actually managed to get all of them in the same area long enough for a few cute shots...

And the moment passes..

One of the things about having three little guys in the house instead of just one, is that things get overlooked that would have normally been stopped right away...enter exhibit 'a', the tissue box...

Snack time!

Momma brought up Dylan's Halloween costume from last year...if it's cold enough and Fox cooperates, we may have the Monkey for MonkeyNinjaPirateRobot....

That's a big if...this is not a happy little monkey!

And now, for the monkey tantrum!

I have a feeling that soon enough he will be throwing King Kong sized tantrums...this child has apparently inherited my temper.
And now for a series of Fox in hats...he will actually consent to wearing them for a few fleeting moments...some of which we managed to capture on camera!

Fox's latest obsession is shoes. It's crazy how well he says 'shooooooes'. He was on cloud 9 earlier tonight...I sat him in the closet surrounded by all our shoes. Everywhere he turned, there were shoes. He finds them in every room...maybe we should keep them more confined!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the pictures. I love them all! Can't wait to see you at Fox's birthday party.
Love you all,
that smile! Too cute!
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