Leave it to FishMama to get me back on board.

He was in his beloved exersaucer, gnawing away at the lion.
That area in the house, and Mr. Fox himself, has changed drastically since then!
Here's a more current picture from a similar angle...
Oh, and the kids are holding the only things that I managed to grow in my garden this year.
I am trying not to be disappointed in my lack of gardening zeal this year, due to the impending addition to the family. ; )
There will also be a cozy pillow/cushioned topper on the cabinets, so hopefully they won't be as cluttered as they look now...
The storage cabinets were necessitated by the fact that Vance will be losing his closet full of stuff due to the arrival of Fox's baby sister Zoey Caroline, making her entry sometime in early/mid September. She's already got some clothes, just waiting for the closet space!
Fox's friend in the picture is Edrie, who I'm taking care of Monday through Thursday each week. She'll be 5 in 4 days.
It's been good for both of these only children to have to get used to sharing toys and attention, but it is very tiring being 7 months preggo keeping up after these two! Oh, and of course it's the hottest summer we've had in ages.
Okay, I'm heading back to bed. It was a rough morning, but thanks FishMama for getting me out of my lazy/facebook junkie/busy doing nothing blog absence.
If you want to play along, here are the rules:
1) Go to your photo folders
2) Select the sixth file folder
3) Open it and select the sixth photo in that file folder
4) Write a story for that picture, post it and
5) Select five bloggy friends to tag
6) Be sure to let them know they've been tagged
I'm not going FishMama's route, and am going to tag some folks.
Hope they have fun with the trip down memory lane like I did!
1) Danielle
2) Mom Rutherford
3) Sandra
4) Julie
5) JanelM