Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Wow. 27...whatever. Some freshman girl made a comment that 27 was old yesterday. Just wait.
We're about to have strawberry shortcake for my birthday here in the office. Vance is coming up. It's always fun to have him here.
His mom sent me the sweetest email. I am really blessed to have such great in-laws!
I've received an assortment of emails and funny e-cards from family and friends. Some folks think that adult birthdays don't need to be celebrated. Again, whatever! I think we need to find something to celebrate each day. Hey, getting out of bed is a blessing, isn't it? Having a bed to get out of? All overlooked joys.

I also learned that some of my students have found my blog. So here's a shoutout to my class. You guys keep me going, and challenge me each class meeting. Thanks for helping me keep perspective this semester, and putting up with an over-worked instructor!

Well, time for cake! See you there!